60,00 $70,00 $

DR – 30

Traffic – 15051

Referring Domains – 4774

Linked Domains – 42

Time for Publishing – 7 Days

The Ahrefs snapshot was taken on Feb, 20 of 2024.

SKU: N/A Categories: , Tags: ,
  • Content must be unique and have never been published anywhere else before
  • Write in US English
  • The article should be at least 800 words long
  • Use headings (H2-H3) in your text, as this helps structure the content
  • The post needs to be informative, authoritative, and credible (not salesy)
  • Always back your stats and statements with proof from credible sources and link the source (e.i. 85% of people said they were hesitant to leave their jobs for financial reasons)
  • The article needs to be keyword-optimized
  • The Flesch readability score needs to be above 60
  • Do not use naked links or branded links
  • Don’t include any location (country, state, city) in the anchor, link URL or landing page
  • We do not accept any trackers or code in links or any of the content
  • All links need to be direct links. We do not accept affiliate links in the article


Please contact me if you still have some questions.